About VFO

Veterans of Freedom Outdoors (VFO) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation, dedicated to honoring those who protect our freedoms. 100% of the donations received by VFO goes to the veterans we support. VFO engages the community to provide outdoor opportunities to active duty members, reservists, veterans, retirees, wounded or injured service members, family members of veterans, and first responders. Our outdoor events provide these individuals with spiritual, psychological, mental, and physical healing. This affords them a more enjoyable phase in their rehabilitation, or just pure relaxation away from their busy and demanding jobs. Assisted by outfitters, corporations, government agencies, landowners, and volunteers, VFO honors individuals from all military branches. VFO staff are either US military active duty, retirees, or veterans, so we can relate to the people we support. In this organization, VFO staff are solely volunteers. We are eager to assist our fellow veterans on enacting their rights and American traditions of hunting, fishing, shooting sports, and other outdoor adventures, while supporting wildlife conservation.